History of Neptune's Cove
- 05 May 2001 - Update to Dive Shops, update ICRA
Meta Tag, and minor update to Wrecks.
- 10 October 2000 - Added new UWPhoto Ring html, cleaned up some minor SSL problems, and re-indexed site.
- 04 September 2000 - Minor corrections to Dive Shops,
SEW Wrecks and Weather databases.
- 21 August 2000 - Miscellaneous tweaks to improve XHTML Standards implementation (implemented more suggested practices).
- 29 April 2000 - Implemented database Wrecks, Safe Harbors,
and Shore Sites pages. Also, overhauled the primary
weather page navigation.
- 14 April 2000 - Performance tweaks to CGIs and general site maintenance.
- 05 March 2000 - More off site links for detailed wreck information.
- 26 February 2000 - Design over haul part 2, added search and simplified navigation.
- 20 February 2000 - Design over haul part 1.
- 05 February 2000 - Small design changes to enhance usability.
- January 2000 - XHTML Standard approved, Neptune's cove converted to the XHTML v1.0 standard.
- September 1999 - Began cleaning up site to ready it for the XHTML v1.0 standard.
- 17 July 1999 - Minor tweaks and updates to cleanup formatting.
- 05 July 1999 - More Neptune's Weather Client databases updates.
- 26 June 1999 - Neptune's Weather Client databases &
application updated.
- 22 June 1999 - The Site Map has been updated and moved
to it's own page.
- 20 June 1999 - General Cleanup, CGI Tuning, CGI Application Database additions, ...
- 16 June 1999 - Neptune's Weather Client Links and Reports now on line.
- 06 June 1999 - NOAA Near and Off Shore Weather page and CGI script added.
- 25 May 1999 - NOAA Weather Sites/Links back on line.
- 20 May 1999 - Neptune's Dive Calendar updated with this summer's dives.
- 21 February 1999 - Updated Shops and added Shipwreck Research sites
to Neptune's Home Page.
- 13 February 1999 - Updated Shops and Charters
databases. Continue initial population of the Shared Calendars database.
- 10 February 1999 - Implement new Neptune's Calendar using Shared Calendars CGI Software.
- 30 January 1999 - Cleanup of Dead URLs, Broken Links, Orphaned Files, and Bad HTML.
- 29 January 1999 - Move in new CGI Versions of Shops,
Charters, Books, and
Help pages. Major updates to Home page.
- January 1999 - Updated Index Page and put test version of Data Driven CGI Pages online.
- December 1998 - Lots of little fixes, started creation of Data Driven/CGI versions of
Shops, Charters, and
Books pages. You shouldn't see any real difference, it just makes
it easier for me to maintain.
- 07 November 1998 - Creation of Neptune's Home Page and related updates.
- 04 November 1998 - Some HTML cleanup to allow use of the same navigation and banner SSI members.
- 23 July 1998 - A some cleanup & updates to Wreck Dive entries, a handful of new entries added.
- 21 July 1998 - Split up Wreck and Shore Dive page to improve rendering time.
- 20 July 1998 - More Calender Updates.
- 19 July 1998 - Added "Printer Friendly" versions of a number of pages.
- 17 July 1998 - Added 1 new wreck & update to a set of Lorain TDs on wrecks page.
- 08 July 1998 - Some Calender Updates & Corrections.
- 07 July 1998 - Updated most pages to improve rendering time of pages, they should start
displaying useful stuff quicker.
- 05 July 1998 - Overhaul and Update to Weather Links.
- 16 May 1998 - Too windy to dive, 6' waves 20-30 knot winds! Did a bunch of tweaking,
including adding a "Weather Related Links" Link to navigation panel to allow for quick
check of the weather before going off to dive. Miscellaneous tweaks to calender.
- 20 April 1998 - Added Pages for Wild Gales and Tattered Sails and
updated Wreck Listings to include Marquette, MI shipwrecks.
- 12 April 1998 - This page added to Neptune's Cove features.
- 11 April 1998 - Cleanup, reorganization, and updates
to Neptune's Calender
- 7 April 1998 - No-FRAMEs version goes on-line.
- 24 March 1998 - Found bug in Microsoft's Internet
Explorer (MSIE). Backing up to a valid HTML v4.0 framed page with bumper sticker links to Netscape and
Opera cause MSIE to lock up, eventually locking up Windows95. Removed MSIE bumper sticker and
decided it was time to create no frames version of Neptune's Cove.
- 22 March 1998 - Neptune's Cove moves to www.neptunescove.org giving me:
- Access to CGI and Perl.
- Unlimited email address for club members.
- Server Side Includes (SSI)
- More Space (with the Fractal Images I was
getting close to my previous limit).
- My on domain to manage.
- Early March 1998 - Overhaul of index page (beginning overhaul to make Neptune's Cove a reasonable
Home Page for Midwest Divers.
- February 1998 - Cleanup of HTML, earned W3C HTML certification for all pages. Cleaned up pictorials and
images for a more consistent look.
- Late January 1998 - Added more pictorials (Neptune's Nimrods '96 Trip, Frank O'Conner, UnderWater Macro
Photography, and updates to Ice Diving).
- Early January 1998 - Neptune's Calender add to Cove features.
- Late December 1998 - First Pictorial (Ice Diving & Steven M. Selvick) added.
- Mid December 1998 - Shipwreck & Dive Site Coordinates put on-line.
- Early December 1998 - Neptune's Cove first on-line at http://ahulse.home.mindspring.com.